What is a Family Reunion?

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Have you ever heard your parents talk about a cousin, and you know the name and face from pictures, but you have never actually met them?  Or, perhaps you have a large part of your family who lives 1200 miles away whom you never get to see because your busy schedules just don’t line up right.  These two scenarios can be solved instantly by attending a family reunion!

What is a Family Reunion?

What is a family reunion exactly?  A family reunion is a time, typically during the spring or summer, where potentially hundreds of distant family members can come together from all over the country – or even the world – to catch up on the time that has passed and feel like, well, a family again.

Having a family reunion each year, or every few years, you’ll never not know who a family member is, you’ll always have a reason to be in touch, and new family members by birth and by marriage will also have chances to meet the whole family at once! Family reunions are a fun celebration of your family and how big it continues to grow.

Whether it’s a fancy banquet-style reunion or an all out barbecue in the great outdoors, you can be sure to expect some good food to be served over the few days span of the family reunion.  Not only is there good food, but there’s normally things to do for all ages (and if there isn’t, well the next reunion should be planned by another family member)!


When asking “what is a family reunion?” you’re bound to be met with a list of activities that you might find at a family reunion.  Some of these activities include:

  • Wearing matching shirts:  Many times, when you attend a reunion, there will be matching t-shirts for the family.  Other times, it will be turned into an activity for everyone to do, make your own t-shirts, which is always fun!
  • Slideshow presentation:  There’s nothing like digging out old memories, and what an easier way for people to see these old memories than by putting them up on a big screen (or sheet, or whatever suits the environment the reunion is in).
  • Family games:  You can almost certainly expect there to be a few games for everyone to play for fun.  These will, of course, depend on the family and their tastes in games.  Large-scale twister or a scavenger hunt are a great time!
  • Nearby attractions:  Who said a family reunion had to stay at one venue?  Often times, a venue is chosen because of all of the other things there is to do around it, such as theme parks, zoos, and aquariums.
  • Hike:  If the reunion is being hosted in a nature area, then there might be a hike planned for those who can participate, while others stay back and do some other type of activity, such as planning an awesome water balloon ambush for the return of the hikers!
  • Family photos:  You will most certainly take a group photo, in an effort to put a visual memory of the whole family together as you don’t have the pleasure of doing all the time!  You can expect many photos to be taken, but at least one of the entire group.

Should We Have One?

If the above reasons are not enough to have a family reunion, than I don’t know what is!  A family reunion is not meant for that family who all live in the same small town, or that family who can get together for every holiday and family celebration without problems.

The purpose is to get together with family that you don’t get to see every day and have every family member together all at the same time, to shout to the world what your family is all about.  If you meet the above criteria, then a family reunion is perfect for your family!

Laura is the force behind Gathered Again, transforming family gatherings into unforgettable memories with expert tips and a heart full of passion. Join her mission to celebrate the magic of family connections, one event at a time.