Morning Prayers for the Family to Start Your Day

How you start the morning affects your mood the whole day. If you wake up feeling grumpy and annoyed, you would most likely feel testy and unappreciative the whole time. However, if you start the morning right with family morning prayers, it would surely affect your day on a positive note.

Starting the day with morning prayers set the tone, as you’re seeking God’s grace and guidance for what’s ahead. Whatever you’re asking for— safety, peace, strength, or something else—lift them all up in the morning before you get swept by the day’s demands. 

Partaking in morning prayers with your whole family is a gratifying habit wherein you focus your time and attention to God. It is very important to set a moment with Him, and doing this with your children would establish and strengthen their faith in God at a young age. It would also help in the strengthening of your family relationship, as you’re centering it in Christ.

Morning Prayer Points

Prayer points are basically outlines of our prayers. These are our intentions that we want to lift up to God. Most often, prayer points are rooted from Bible principles, statements, beliefs, and affirmations. For some, they use prayer points as a guide so they could fluently pray, without having to think about their intentions on the spot.

Here, we have listed some general prayer points every family should include in their morning prayers.

Thanksgiving for a new day

This is the day which the Lord has made; Let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Psalm 118:24

Waking up to a new day is a blessing in itself; make sure not to take it for granted. And, give thanks to the Lord for giving you and your family a brand new day to experience and delight upon.

Giving thanks to the Lord at the start of the day would also keep you and your family filled with gratitude and love, reminding you of the blessings you are given every waking moment.

Asking for God’s presence and guidance

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.

Psalm 119:105

There are days when we just need a reminder that God is there with us every step of the way. Perhaps, you feel that it would be a challenging day ahead or your child is dreading to go to school, don’t forget to lift it all to Him. Ask for God’s presence and guidance for you and your family to overcome whatever is ahead.

Pray for strength and wisdom

I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.

Philippians 4:13

There are a lot of trials and obstacles that may come in one’s life. And, sometimes there are days when we just don’t feel like praying; this is all the more reason to pray with the family. Start the day by praying together for emotional, physical, and mental strength to carry on through the day. Take this time to ask for God’s Holy Spirit to send wisdom to triumph over these challenges.

Pray for family unity

Bear with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgive each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive.

Colossians 3:13

As they said, “The family that prays together, stays together.” It is also important to pray for the strength and unity of your family. Ask God to be in the center of your household, and pray that your family bonds strengthen. 

If your family’s facing a rupture right now, include a prayer of reconciliation for the members involved. We may not always be in good terms with our family, but we should always make peace and love each other at the end of the day.

Thanksgiving for your family’s lives

Children’s children are a crown to the aged, and parents are the pride of their children

Proverbs 17:6

Start the day by being grateful for the life of your family members. Focus on the upside of being a part of your family, and be grateful that God has blessed you with them, whatever your differences may be.

Pray to be a good family member

Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you.

Exodus 20:12

Whether you’re the mom, dad, or child, ask God’s guidance for you to be a good family member. For the parents, ask that you be a good role model and a good parent that embodies God’s heart. Also ask for His assistance in raising the children. 

For the children, ask for God’s guidance to be good sons and daughters; that you could help with the family instead of causing trouble. And, that you give happiness to your parents amidst a stressful day. 

Pray for God’s blessings

And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:19

At the start of the day, ask and be grateful for God’s blessings and provisions for your family. Trust that He will give you the financial aid you would need and so much more for the family to survive. 

Prayer for family protection

The Lord’s protection is the most secure shield that would keep you and your family from harm. Ask for God’s protection before stepping out of your home and sending your family members to their jobs and schools. Ask that He distance you and your family from the spiritual and physical harms.

Sample Prayers

Morning Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving

Lord God, we thank you for a brand new day and for each day you have bestowed upon every one of us to appreciate and be a steward of your creations. 

Thank You for every life in this household, and we are thankful for the family you have blessed us to show your love and protection. We praise and glorify you for giving us loving parents to care for our needs, provide for us, and give us unconditional love, and children that show pure love like yours.

Thank you, Lord God, for the unwavering blessings you’ve given us, and for the love You have always shown. We pray that every one of us would keep a grateful heart throughout the day.

In Your name, we pray. Amen.

Morning Prayer for Family

God our Father, we are grateful for the life You have bestowed upon each and everyone of us. We thank You for giving us the opportunity to praise and glorify You as a family this morning. May You retain in us this feeling of gratitude and eternal love throughout the day, no matter what may be ahead of us. 

Lord God, we ask that You cover and protect this family with the most precious blood of Your Son Jesus Christ. Deliver us away from harm, and guide us with Your everlasting love. 

We also pray that You remain the center of our household, O Lord. Let Your unconditional and unwavering faith be the cord that strengthens and bonds this family together. Remind us each and everyday of Your love so that we would remain good members of the family.

Bless each and everyone of us, Lord—the parents of this household, and send them the wisdom and strength to be a good leader and provider of the family. Bless the children, our God, and guide them to grow into Your faithful and dedicated servants. 

Lord God, we also pray for Your bountiful blessings; we know that You will never forsake us, and that Your grace overflows. We ask that You give us the provisions to give roof to our children’s heads, food to eat, and clothes to wear. Bless us, dear Father, so we can continue to be a blessing to others as a family.

We honor and glorify Your name, Lord. Amen.

Morning Prayer for the Day

God the Father, thank You for a new day—a new beginning—to worship You as a family. Thank You for the fellowship of family, and for blessing us with the lives of our parents and children, and for bestowing us with healthy bodies. 

Lord God, may You send us Your Holy Spirit to guide us with whatever may be ahead. We know that You are with us every step of the way, and may You remind us of this should we get overwhelmed from the tides the day brings.

We also ask that You give us the strength to carry on should we feel scared and weary. In times of doubt, Lord God, shower us with bravery to conquer our mountains, and give us wisdom to make resolutions according to Your will.

May You turn us away from harm and temptations today, O Lord, and help us to become people our family would be proud of. Bless us with Your love today, God, and provide us with Your everlasting grace.

This we pray, in the name of Jesus. Amen.     


No matter where you are in life, what your struggles are, whether you’re on the upside or downside of the wheel, saying even a short prayer at the start of the day is such an important thing. Starting the day, especially with your family, is even better.

Saying short morning prayers for and with the family doesn’t have to take up your whole morning. During your morning tea or coffee—or even over breakfast—take the time to close your eyes and engage your family members to talk with God and lift up to Him your concerns.

Your morning prayers don’t have to be a long one, it just needs to come from the heart. Once you try saying a morning prayer with your family, you would certainly have a lighter and more blessed day. 

Laura is the force behind Gathered Again, transforming family gatherings into unforgettable memories with expert tips and a heart full of passion. Join her mission to celebrate the magic of family connections, one event at a time.

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