Father’s Day Prayers To Say For Dad (And A Few For Husbands, Grandfathers, and Sons)


Father’s Day is a special day to celebrate the fathers in our lives. But, with all the last-minute Father’s Day gift shopping, camping, cookouts, hotdogs, hamburgers, and presents, it can be easy to forget that fathers need prayer too.

Whether you pray for a hardworking father who has everything in life, you need a prayer for a father’s day dinner, or you’re thinking about a father who is no longer with us, these prayers are for you to use to honor and pray for your father.

Why we should pray for our fathers

God loves fathers and rewards them for their dedication, hard work, and selfless nature. Unfortunately, as children, we often take our fathers for granted until we grow up and have our own children. Then we fully understand how hard our fathers worked to provide for us and give us a good life.

Praying for our fathers serves a few purposes:

  1. It sets aside time for us to think about the needs, struggles, and concerns our fathers might be going through.
  2. It lifts our father up to God in prayer so we can ask God for his needs.
  3. Prayer allows us to thank God for placing someone in our life who is so special to us.
  4. It will enable us to take time to pray for someone who we might not pray for as often.

Affordable Father’s Day gifts are nice, but let’s not skimp on the Father’s Day prayers! Here are some ideas on praying for our fathers on this special day.

A Prayer For All Fathers

Dear God, thank You for our fathers. We are so grateful for the gift of our fathers. They are such an important part of our lives. We pray that You would bless our fathers. We pray that You will give them wisdom and strength. We pray that You would give them Your peace. We pray that You would surround them with Your love. We pray that You would bless their relationships with their wives and children. We pray that You would use them to make a positive difference in this world. In Jesus’ name, amen. 

A Prayer For Your Father’s Physical Health

Dear God, I come before You today to pray for my father’s physical health. Help him to take care of his body in the ways You or his doctors have advised him. Give him an understanding of what it means to take care of himself and how that reflects the way You take care of him. Grant him the ability to make the choices that bring him health in body, mind, and spirit. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.

Pray For Your Father’s Spiritual Health

Father God, I pray for my father’s spiritual health. Please help him to see the truth in Your Word. Help him to be open to the things of the spirit, not just the things of the flesh. I pray that You’ll protect my father from the enemy’s attacks. Please surround him with Your love and protection. Guard him against depression and any other spiritual attacks. I know that my father is a flawed human being, but help him to see his need for You. Help him to turn to You and find forgiveness and salvation. I pray this in Your wonderful name, Jesus, Amen. 

Pray For Your Father’s Relationships

Dear God, I thank You for my father and ask that You help him in all of his relationships. Please strengthen his relationship with mom, as well as his relationships at work. Help him to be a good example and a positive influence to all those he meets. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.

A Prayer For Our Father’s Wisdom

Dear God, I pray for our father’s wisdom to guide the family. Help him to develop long-term goals that are worthy. Help him to realize the importance of the home and Your teachings. May his work glorify You and motivate all of us to pursue spiritual and righteous goals. I ask these things in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Prayer For My Father’s Strength

Dear God, I thank You for my father and the example he has been to me. Please help him to have the strength to carry on, knowing that You are with him wherever he goes and whatever he does. Help him to recognize the gifts You have given him and to use them to serve others. Give him the courage to face his weaknesses and the patience to understand his mistakes. And as he faces the challenges of this day, please be with him and protect him from harm. Thank You for this man who is doing his best to be a father, to raise me in Your way and according to Your commands. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Pray for Your Father’s Protection

Dear God, I come before You today to thank You for the influence my father has had on my life. I pray that You protect my father from all harm today and surround him with Your loving arms. Please give him the strength to face the challenges he faces today and a sense of peace as he ponders his role in my life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Pray for Your Father’s Provision

Father God, please hear my heart as I come before You in prayer. I ask that You would please bless my father with spiritual and financial provision. I thank You that You take care of us and that You will satisfy all of our needs. Help my father to be content in wherever You have placed him and to be willing to submit to Your plans for his life. In Christ, I have peace, and I pray this for my father too. Help him to be calm and peaceful as he goes through his day. Help him to have favor and opportunities come his way as You guide the hands of others. Help him to be more like You in character and in how he treats people. In Jesus’ name, Amen!

Pray for Your Father’s Work

God, I come before You today because my dad works very hard at a difficult job. Help him to be patient and to treat other people with kindness. If You see problems at his work, give him the ideas and courage to fix them. Help him to do his job in a way that glorifies You. Please guide his hands and give him the strength and safety to do the work You have given him. Help him to be wise and to know when to ask for help. Thank You for the gifts You have given him, including personality, talents, and strengths. Help him to use them in the ways You want him to. I pray this in Jesus’ Holy name, amen.

Pray for Your Father’s Joy

Thank You, Lord! I come before You today to thank You for your goodness and to pray joy upon my father’s life. I ask that You please fill his heart with overflowing joy, spread Your love through all that he does, and grant him contentment and peace. May all that meet him see Your hand in his life and rejoice and be glad. I thank You for this man that You have created, molded, and shaped. Help him to see the amazing legacy that You have for him and enable him to live in accordance with it. I ask these things in Jesus’ name, amen.

Prayers for a Father Who Is Struggling

Please, God, I come before You in prayer, asking for strength, courage, and wisdom for my father. Help him to overcome his weaknesses and to realize his strengths. Give him comfort, peace, joy, a sense of purpose, and hope for the future. Give him a renewed sense of love for You and a new enthusiasm for life. I pray for miracles bigger than even my father imagines. I pray this in the Savior’s name, amen.

A Prayer for Fathers Who Are in Heaven

Praise You, God! I’m praying to You today because I know that You can give me comfort. I’m praying for my father, who has passed from this world into the next. Please watch over him, God, and comfort him. Please be with him and give him joy in his new home in You. Help me to be patient, knowing that he is in the best place he could ever be, knowing that we will see each other again. I pray all of this in Your holy name, amen.

A Prayer for Fathers Who Are in Jail

Heavenly Father, I humbly pray to You today because I am missing my father. Right now, he is in jail because of the decisions that he has made. For that, I am heartbroken, and I am still praying for his change. I pray that You will watch over him and keep him safe. I pray that when he comes out, You will help him realize his mistakes and make changes. I pray that You will protect my mother, whose heart has been shattered by his wrong choices. I pray that You will help her Guide our family with strength and determination. I pray that You will watch over my siblings and me. I pray that You will make us strong and teach us to be better people just like You. I pray these things in Jesus’ Holy name, amen.

A Prayer for My Stepfather

Father God, I come before You in prayer to thank You for the life of my stepfather. When I was young, You blessed me by placing him in my life. Even when my own father was missing from our home, You provided me with wonderful memories through him. Thank You for the way You blessed him with talents and gifts. He was a good husband to my mother, a good father to his own children, and a good father figure to me. Help me to remember all the times You provided for us, and all the times You blessed us with Your grace. I ask that You continue to protect him and keep him. I pray these things in Jesus’ name, amen.

A Prayer for a New Father

Heavenly Father, I’m praying to You today for [father’s name], who is a new father today. Please help him to become the kind of father to his baby that You would have him be. Please give him the wisdom to know his own limitations and Your strength to overcome them when they crop up. Please make him aware of the next steps in getting more involved in the baby’s life. Please give him and his family the strength, understanding, and patience to deal with issues that may arise. In Your wisdom, You have blessed him with a child. In Your mercy, please help him become the father the child needs and that his family deserves. Amen.

A Prayer for Grandfathers

Dear God, I’m praying to You today for my Grandfather this father’s day. I ask that You please bless him with good health and strength. Please watch over him and keep him safe. Help him to be a good example to his family. Use him to serve You in ways that he may not even know. 

Please soften his heart towards those he may have difficulties with. Forgive him for his shortcomings. May You richly bless him and my grandmother; please look over their children, grandchildren, and all of the people that they love. May You shower them with blessings and protection. In Jesus’s precious name, I pray, Amen. 

A Father’s Day Prayer for My Son Who is a Father

Heavenly Father, I come before You in prayer as I do every day, but today my prayer is special. Today I pray for my son. My baby boy has become a father, and I am so happy for him. I pray that You will be with him and guide him as he grows into the best father and man he can be. Protect his relationship with his wife. May it be a foundation for all that they build together. Give them the flexibility to negotiate their roles and the ability to change as life requires. May they balance each other in terms of what each is able to give and do.

Guide them in their parenting style. Help them to understand and pass down Your wisdom and values, the wisdom and values You gave to me. Help them to discipline with strength, but also with tenderness. Help them to set boundaries and to stick with them. And when they are tired, to perhaps lean on others and accept help. I pray this in Your mighty name, Jesus, amen.

A Prayer for My Husband

Dear God, I’m praying to You today for my husband. He has been such a blessing to our family. He is a hard worker, and he puts his family first. My husband is a good man and a great father. Our children have so many wonderful memories because of the time he took to create adventures for them and to be present in their lives. I thank You for my husband and all that he does for our family.

Please continue to protect him, keep him safe, and guide his steps. Grant him wisdom and the ability to make good decisions. I pray that You will reward my husband for his sacrifices and contributions. May You continue to bless him and our family in abundance. Amen.

A Prayer for My Father-In-Law

Father God, I come before You in prayer to thank You for my father-in-law. Thank You for the strong influence he had on my husband. Thank You for the example You planted in his heart that he continues to follow. Help us to follow his example as well, even in the little things.

Help us to be as generous, kind, and patient as he is. Give us the same joy You have given him in parenting his grandchildren. Thank You for the gift of my father-in-law to my husband and children. I pray for continued health and happiness for him. Help us to follow Your will for our lives in happiness and health. Help us to be as fulfilled and happy as he is. In Jesus’ name, amen.

A Prayer of Thanksgiving for My Father

Thank You, God. I humbly pray to You today because my father taught me to work hard and strive for success. He taught me to be humble and gracious. He showed me by his own example how to follow You. I thank You for the example he set and the way he influenced my life for the better. I pray that You bless his life and his future endeavors. In Jesus’ name, I pray, amen.

Father’s Day Prayers Wrap-Up

Prayer is a powerful way to connect with your father on Father’s Day. By taking the time to pray, you can show your father how much you care about him and appreciate all he has done.

Praying for our fathers is a great way to show them how much we love and appreciate them. Let us all take some time to pray for our fathers on this Father’s Day.

Jennifer Taylor brings a vibrant flair for storytelling to the Gathered Again team, having joined us in 2023. With a profound love for writing and a knack for capturing the essence of family moments, Jennifer crafts content that inspires and connects, making every reader feel right at home.