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Christmas Prayers for the Family

Table of Contents

It’s so easy to get all caught up in what I like to call the “holiday shuffle,” that we often forget why we are celebrating the holiday; we almost forget what’s most important! While we are out shopping for trivial things like presents and decorations, we often fail to stop and say a prayer to the one we are celebrating for, Jesus Christ, our saviour!

Say A Christmas Prayer

It is on Christmas day that He was born, and without his birth, there would be no CHRISTmas. Although it is by his grace that we spend the holiday time with family, we should do so in honor of Him and take a moment to say a Christmas prayer.

Perhaps you often talk to God through prayer, but a Christmas prayer should be a bit different and special. Some things you want to make sure to talk about in prayer are:

Happy birthday: It is his birthday and the reason why we are celebrating Christmas, so be sure to wish him a happy birthday!

Be thankful: Tell him what you are thankful for, and be sure to thank him for your wonderful family gathering and any gifts you received. Let’s not forget about your Christmas meal, either!

Safe travels: Thank Jesus that everyone made it safely to the Christmas gathering, and pray for their safe return as well.

For those who have passed: Pray that those who can no longer join the celebration are in heaven celebrating, and that those who feel the pain of their missing presence find comfort in the Holy Spirit during this time.

Sample Prayers

While the entire family is gathered together, join hands and bow your head and pick one of these Christmas prayers to honor Christ on His birthday.

Christmas Prayer #1

Our Dear Heavenly Father, It is because of you and your sacrifices that we get to gather together on this day we now call Christmas.  What perfect way to celebrate your day than by honoring you while being with the ones we love most. We are thankful for this hot meal we get to enjoy, and pray that everyone will make it home safely tonight. In Your name we pray, AMEN!

Christmas Prayer #2

Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour, we thank you for our family making it here safely today. We thank you for everything you have provided for us and wish you a Merry Christmas as we sit down to our Christmas dinner and honor you. Although today we celebrate your birth, we thank you for dying on the cross for our sins. Here’s to you! Amen!

Christmas Prayer #3

Dear Jesus, as I sit here getting emotional, searching for the right words to say, it occurs to me that there’s no right or wrong words. It is Christmas Day, your day of birth, and as we celebrate and rejoice in you, Jesus, we are thankful for everything and everyone who surrounds us. Your Spirit fills this room, the warmth is enough to light a thousand fires in our hearts. Our hearts burn for you. Let us sit and enjoy this meal as we ponder everything Christmas is all about, and let us not forget the true importance of this glorious day. In Jesus name we pray, AMEN!

Make Christmas prayer a part of your family’s Christmas traditions; after all, this day is about Him and celebrating Him with our families.

Laura is the force behind Gathered Again, transforming family gatherings into unforgettable memories with expert tips and a heart full of passion. Join her mission to celebrate the magic of family connections, one event at a time.